Pebblebrook Men’s Golf Club

‘Adopt-a-Hole’ Course Care Program


How ‘Adopt-a-Hole’ works:


Each member of the club is assigned a hole that will be ‘yours’ for the duration of your time in the PB Men’s Golf Club.  Each Wednesday that you play, it will be your responsibility to pick up broken tees on the tee box, fill divots on the tee and fairway and repair ball marks you come across on the green.


There are numerous golfers assigned to each hole.  Not a lot of time is necessary to tend to your hole, simply take a moment to repair the things you see while waiting to hit, heading to your ball, etc.  This program is not intended to slow down the pace of play.

Our SCW courses are a source of pride.  Let’s do our part to keep them looking great!


 Your ‘adopted hole’ appears next to your name on your Wednesday scorecard.